Kagome Vegetable Life 100 Hida Pear Mix 195ml x 24 bottles

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: Product Introduction Kagome Vegetable Life 100 Hida Pashi Mix 195ml uses Hita Pear from Oita Prefecture. A refreshing aroma and taste unique to Wanashi. You can get plenty of vitamin C. The package designs a landscape overlooking the mountain stream valley of the Teimizuino River from Murohara Bridge, which is located on the prefectural border between Oita and Kumamoto prefectures. A 100 -season limited series of vegetable life that can easily eat vegetables while enjoying the taste of the fruit. We will deliver the deliciousness of the region to everyone all over the country by "all local production". Raw ingredients and ingredients (carrot sweet potatoes (carrot sweet potatoes) (Petit Veil) Purple cabbage beat onion Lettast Cabbage Passeli classon pumpkin (100 % of the fragrances) Citric acid vitamin C
799 JPY
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