Kagome Vegetables One day smart PET 720ml x 15

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: Product Introduction "Vegetable One Day" that allows you to get nutrients from vegetables. Vegetable juice that values ??the nutrients of each vegetable, including lycopene and carotene calcium. Various vegetables such as leaves, fruits, stems, and roots are used in a well -balanced manner. You can replenish vegetables that are often lacking. It is a recommended vegetable juice for those who are busy and have difficulty taking vegetables. Kagome Smart PET is a 720ml size that you can drink deliciously in 3-4 days. The bottle design is easy to hold in your hand and does not take up space in the refrigerator. No salt and fragrance preservatives. We do not use additives for nutrition enhancement. * Vegetable drinks do not contain all ingredients of raw vegetables, but use them to supplement vegetables that are often lacking. Raw ingredients and ingredients (tomato carrots Mechabetsu (petit veil) kale red pepper spinach molo hay broccoletas celloli ginger purple cabbage cabbage red pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin kimono kimono kid mao mao mao mao mao mao Refrigerated after opening: After opening, be sure to store it in the refrigerator and drink in about 3-4 days. Shake well before drinking. Vegetable ingredients may precipitate, but there is no problem with quality. Do not warm or freeze the whole container. The contents may expand and the container may be deformed or damaged. If you warm it, transfer it to a separate container. Over -heating due to a microwave oven may cause burns. Please be careful. Be sure to remove the cap after drinking. If the container is left without washing, there is a risk that mold will grow inside, damage to the container or cap will fly. Please cooperate with the recycling. Scrap is found in carbohydrates and is derived from vegetables. Salt, sugar, fragrance, and preservatives are not added. We do not use additives for nutrition enhancement.
1,414 JPY
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