Kanenenishi Katsuo Pack 4P x 10 bags Domestic and shaved pukupuku Pack Pack Kagoshima Prefecture Self -produced in -house production

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■ Production of Hon withering dried bonito, which boasts the best in Japan, the highest -gingin gingin's gingin gingin's gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -gin -class first -class craftsmen spend more than 6 months and carefully create love. Bonito bonito with mold. ■ "Pukupuku Pack 4G; 4P dedicated bag x10 bags" which is used to add flavor flavors using the identity of the identity of the identical object to a tasteful texture. I will do it! We will offer products unique to the production area where you can use it up and enjoy luxury and fresh scent for 1990 yen including shipping!
1,350 JPY
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Golden Bonito Co., Ltd. Kanenenishi Co., Ltd.

Golden Bonito Co., Ltd. Kanenenishi Co., Ltd.