Kaneni Book Hana Katsukatsu Otoboshi 450g x 3 bags Domestic products made in -house products from Kagoshima Prefecture in -house production

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Mellow, delicious, elegant fragrance and flavor It is a product made by shaving the fermented bonito with moldy bonito. The raw material is a raw noodle, which is a repeated taste of fermentation and sun drying for more than 6 months. The fragrance that is comfortable to get out of the nose that melts in your mouth is the finest for the dashi. It is a proud taste of Japan. The feature is that you can get an elegant soup.・ By attaching mold to the raw material, the fat will be changed to a healthy umami ingredient.・ When fermented, you can break down the fish smell and bitterness and enjoy the original taste.・ It gives the scent of mellowness and spread. It is difficult to cut it by yourself, which is a daunting and fermented book with a dead and fermented fermentation. Our skilled craftsmen will deliver freshly sealed flowers. It is a product made from mellow, delicious and elegant fragrance and taste of moldy bonito. The flavored flavored taste is thinly shaved, and the freshly shaved is filled with nitrogen! It is a full -fledged and easy -to -use full -fledged shaved flower bonito. * It is a fragrant full -fledged full -fledged book -cut flower bonito that is hard and aged. * If you use this product, the taste and aroma will be much better. 450g per bag x 3 bags.
4,261 JPY
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Golden Bonito Co., Ltd. Kanenenishi Co., Ltd.

Golden Bonito Co., Ltd. Kanenenishi Co., Ltd.