Kawakyo Kitakata Ramen 5 meals with char shoe ingredients Fukushima souvenirs*

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Kitakata ramen, which represents Fukushima Prefecture, features thick noodles and refreshing soy sauce flavor. The noodles made by kneaded with two types of flour with their own formula and aged are GOOD with a chewy texture and smooth throat! Excellent compatibility with light soy sauce soup. Soft thick chopped char siu fragrant fragrant freeze -dried neggen set with miso using miso as a secret taste. Please enjoy the taste of the authentic Kitakata at home. ◇ い 食べ の* The pots for noodles are boiled with large hot water. * Put the soup bag on the lid of the pan and warm it. (If you warm the bag too much, you may break it.) 2. Put the noodles in the boiling water and boil it lightly. 3. (Exampleabout 3 and a half minutes boiled time) * Boil with your favorite hardness. 4. Put the soup in a warmed bowl just before the noodles are boiled and pour boiling water. * Warm both soup and bowl. * The scent stands out when the green onion is cut immediately before cooking. Raw ingredients and ingredients [noodles] Flour reduction syrup squirrels Squeezing mushrooms CARESUCUESUCI SUNSO SUNSO SUNSO SUPO SOUSO SUPO [soy sauce soup] Soy sauce salted pork oil chicken extract flavored oil fried water fried water plant vegetable oil sugar spinach (amino acids, etc.) Sake collar color (etc.) A part of the raw material contains soy flavored chicken gelatin pork) [Char shoe] Pork belly (Spanish) soy sauce (water soy sauce sugar salt and other) rice miso -flavored oil PH adjustment seasoning (amino acids, etc.) caramel pigment (raw materials) Some pork soybeans are included) [Dry green onions] green onion (from Chinese)
1,500 JPY
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