Kewpie Vegetage Tsuma Sauce Sauce 500ml

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Product Introduction This is a sauce exclusively for vegetable snacks that are full of umami that combines scorching onions and roasted garlic onions. Just add a small amount to your favorite vegetables and you can easily create a "Veggie Tsuma" menu. What is "Beji Tsuma" proposed by Kewpie? This is a coined word that means snacks of vegetables (vegetables). Based on the desire to enjoy the deliciousness of vegetables when you drink alcohol. [Easy menu] Avocado & onion scorched green onion sauce The contents of the avocado are cut into a square, put on the skin with a thin sliced ??onion and shaving knot. Avocado 1/2 quickly turns into a snack menu to a snack menu just by applying this product for about 10g! Raw ingredients and ingredients, ingredients and ingredients, sugar liquid sugar liquid sugar liquid sugar liquid sugar glucose, garlic paste brewed, vinegar, gorgeous, miso roast garlic spicy roasted onion powder yeast extract/seasoning. (Amino acids, etc.) Increased agent (kisantangham processed dent powder) spice extract fragrance (some soybeans)
338 JPY
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