Kewpit tomato & Arabiki mustard (Pakitte) (6.5g x 60 pieces) x 2 pieces

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Product introduction Product introduction We packed tomato sauce and Arabiki mustard that go well with hot dogs, Frankfurt, etc. You can use it with one touch. Pakitte is a potion container that can be quickly applied with one hand (seasoning such as sauce). Raw ingredients/ingredients tomato mix saucetomato (import) grape sugar sugar liquid brewed vinegar salted green onion pine pill pillar/increase (processed dent powder kidnangham) prevention agent (vitamin C) mustardkarashi brewed vegetable oils and fats Exgar lick paste/Increased agent (processed dent powder kidsangham) spice extract fragrance (including soybeans) raw ingredients and ingredients tomato mix saucetomato (import) grape sugar sugar sugar brewed vinegar salted pine apple fruits/addition Semed (Processing Denkin Kosa Santa Gum) Prevention of oxidation (vitamin C) mustardKarashi brewed vinegar fats and fats, spicy psychic pills onion extractic lick paste/increase (processed dented powdered kidsangham) spice extract (containing some soybeans).
804 JPY
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