Kinoshita Making Sanuki Udon Udon 12 bags (200g × 12) Dietary fiber Dry noodle dried udon

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Explanation of Product We use 100%of our unique wheat flour (Patent Patent 5568335). Compared to ordinary flour, 11-12%flour is placed on flour. Therefore, even if the same amount is taken, the carbohydrate equivalent to the replaced flour can be cut naturally. Please try the intestinal flour udon that is gentle on the intestinal flora. Raw ingredients, ingredients flour (domestic manufacturing) How to use salt. How to use saline is gently loosened with this product in a boiling water (1L or more per 100g) and chopsticks. Boil it in your favorite hardness for about 5 minutes with high heat that does not spill.
1,475 JPY
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Kinoshita Powder Co., Ltd.

Kinoshita Powder Co., Ltd.