Knol soup DELI Completely ripe tomato soup pasta 41.9g 12 cups (2 cases)

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Completely Ripe Tomato This is a soup pasta that can be enjoyed in entangled with a soup that uses one (about one small ball). The flavor of the tomatoes has been improved and it has become even better. Ingredients, ingredients, pasta tomato powder, sugar, potato powder powdered powder powdered matopodate, salt and oil cheese cheese powder cheese powder all powdered lactose glycosous vegetable extract, clam powder fish powder (taded lactation saline), sugar oat fatto dairy fermented seasoning chicken extract seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Increased agent (kissantangham) Service (including wheat soybeans in part of raw materials) Safety Warning Allergy Squid In materialBreasted and wheat soybean chicken Main raw materialsPasta (Belgium) Tomato (Spanish Greek) Attention (exemption)> Please be sure to read 〇This product will not be bundled. (We can not accept bundled with beverage household goods.) 〇 The product will be connected and shipped with two cases with a unity band or PP tape. 〇 It is an object of the high purchase shipping discount privilege (free shipping over ○○○○ yen). 〇The product may be somewhat crushed at the time of transportation on the material, but cannot be returned or replaced. 〇 The product package may be changed without notice, so it may be different from the registered image.
1,289 JPY
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