Kochi Prefecture Niyodawa Kirage Kirage Dry Black Kirage Hall Type 100g

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: Product Introduction The dry chicken is called "the mystery of longevity" and "Eating Chinese medicine" and contains a lot of nutrients necessary to live healthy and long. In particular, it is rich in vitamin D -calcium iron iron fiber, and is an ingredient that we recommend widely from growing children to elderly people. In addition, our dried chicken does not use pesticides or preservatives that are abundant in imported goods. It is used for elementary and junior high school lunches of more than 90%in Kochi Prefecture. 1. If you use hot water in the pot, it will be available in 20 to 25 minutes. 2. You can enjoy cooking by adjusting the size and shape yourself. 3. This type is easy to use for dishes such as Japanese food Chinese medicine. Ingredients and ingredients (from Niyodogawa Town, Kochi Prefecture) In the case of lukewarm water (about 40 ° C), it will return to about 10 times the size of about 30 to 40 minutes. In the case of water, if you soak it for about 60 minutes, it will return to about 10 times the size.
1,004 JPY
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Ami -Inn Tuna Mission

Ami -Inn Tuna Mission