Lotte Black Black Tablet <strong> 32g x 10 pieces</strong>

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Product introduction Large type tablet of Lotte's long seller "Black Black Gum". It is a tablet that can instantly feel the exciting taste and strong refreshing feeling of powerful menthol, so it is a perfect tablet when you want to refresh in instant, such as driving, working or studying. It is a cylindrical container that can be easily gripped and can be opened and closed with one hand. Raw materials and ingredients reddish water sugar sugar amateurs parachineau leaf leaves chrysanthemum flower extracted fragrance processing doodle increase (Arabi gum) Color (cocoa noctinum caramel) Coloring agent Caffeine sweeten (assessurfam K Scrarrose) Geratin (part of the raw material (part of the raw material) ) Safety warning [Allergic substances contained in raw materials (among 27 items)] Gelatin attention (exemption)> Please read a large amount of eating at a time. Please avoid it and enjoy it as soon as possible after opening.
865 JPY
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