Maeda Seika Graham Cracker (5 pieces x 3 bags) x 10 boxes

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Easy and delicious! It is a fragrant and subtle cracker with graham powder and oats wheat flour. I used graham powder that was ground with a special manufacturing method so that the flavor and nutrients of wheat remain as much as possible. Because it is a subdivision pack, it is convenient to share and eat and carry! On the back of the box is a cake recipe using crackers! ■ What is Graham powder? Graham powder is a flour -produced powder that does not remove wheat skin or germ. There is a unique fragrance and umami. Graham powder made with skin and germ on the glow is rich in vitamins and essential amino acid dietary fiber, so the rise in blood sugar levels is gentle for those who are thinking about diet and health. I like it. Raw ingredients, ingredients flour (domestic manufacturing) Wheat whole grain plants oils and sugar shortening oats Salt salted grape grapes / expansion agents (containing some wheat)
1,295 JPY
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Maeda Seika

Maeda Seika