Manuka Honey Honey MGO100+ 250g

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: Honey from Manuka flowers native to New Zealand. It contains an active ingredient called MGO unique to Manuka. We do not use any pesticides or antibiotics. Please enjoy the rich sweetness that is a bit different from ordinary honey. This MGO100+is the perfect product for entering Manuka Honey. Raw ingredients and ingredients Manuka Honey MGO 100+ (250g) is raw ingredients / Manuka honey (from New Zealand) Manuka Honey MGO 100+ (250g) is 100 % native Manuka flower honey honey honey pure Honey Manuka peculiar fragrance and deep taste Manuka Honey MGO 100+ Comment of the developer It is a honey of 100 % honey honey. MGO is a physiological and active substance of Manuka honey. Please choose from 4 types according to your preference. ■ No antibiotics 330kcal/100g Attention (exemption)> Please read it. Cosana Co., Ltd. is a regular Japanese agency of New Zealand Manuka Health.
1,138 JPY
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Manuka Health

Manuka Health