Marcome Freeze Dry Dry Granules Fried Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat 1 Misoju 1 Mood x 10 pieces

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Product introduction Patent granule miso is a small bag type. The special flavor and fragrance are finished with plenty of ingredients as they are. The ingredients are fried eggplant fried green onions. It is easy to carry and has little garbage, so it is suitable for outdoor and traveling, such as camping and barbecue, as well as at home use. Raw ingredients and ingredients granules (domestic manufacturing in Japan) (rice bean bean bean bean bean bean bean bean bean paste powdered saline yeast extract fermented seasoning and bonito extract い わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ わ す す す す す す す す す す)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) center) including)
490 JPY
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