Maruka Peyang Super Super Super Super Super Super Omori Petamax 878G

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Product Introduction of Peyang Sauce and Kiso Power 7.3 times size, finally jumped from Giga to Terra and reached Peta Unit. We will deliver it with the maximum volume of cup noodles that have never been before. The limited number will be released because the size is oversized. 1 meal (878g)Heat volume 4184kcal, white material 57.1g Lipids 232.7g carbohydrate equivalent of carbohydrates 24.6g ingredients, ingredients fried noodles (flour (domestic manufacturing) vegetable oils and fats lined soy sauce sauce fragrance) Integrated seasoning Fairy -fried taste oil salt beef beef flavored seasoning spice tomato extract) Kayaku (cabbage flavored chicken chicken sesame spiciness aosa red ginger)/caramel colored seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Sake -added sour sugar sour sour sour sour sour sour oxidation agent (vitamin e rose) Marie extract) spice extract Vitamin B2 Sweet (containing wheat, beef, sesame, soybeans, chicken, pork, and apples)
583 JPY
In stock


Maruka Corporation

Maruka Corporation