Masako Yuzu Ponzu Vinegar 360ml Call Gold soy sauce 3 pcs

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Masakane Yuzu Sawan vinegar Call Gold soy sauce uses yuzu from Kochi Prefecture! I met a natural brewed soy sauce using 100 % domestic round soybeans, which grew up at Kitaoka Farm in Aki, Kochi Prefecture. The sophisticated sophisticated soy sauce is a soy sauce made of wooden tubs, which is highly complete. It is often said that "bacteria with warehouses create deliciousness", but we consider "management of diversity to weight". The soy sauce with outdoor large tanks suitable for quality stability and mass production is a highly perforced soy sauce that is summarized with strong umami and high aroma, but it is a calculated industrial product. There is also. On the other hand, if you put it in a "wood tub" like a regular gold soy sauce, it will have a complicated flavor. Open type without a lid. In addition, "natural brewing" is performed to brew at room temperature, so it is made according to the temperature change in spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the case of Masako soy sauce, even if it is prepared in November or in March, fermentation by the main fermented yeast begins in May, when it begins to exceed 20 ° C and peaks until the end of June. In August, the flavor starts to be united and the scent will continue to deepen after September. Even the shortest brewing period is around one year even in light soy sauce. One to two and a half years with dark soy sauce. The re -prepared soy sauce will continue to be affected by the warehouse and the management of people for a long period of 2 to 3 years. For example, there are many microorganisms that deteriorate the flavor on the surface in contact with the air, and until the summer of the first year after preparation, it is easy to separate it and it is completely different in the upper middle part, so people stir before the separation becomes extreme. It is necessary to make it even uniform. In addition, the dirt on the side of the tub and the stains on the floor wall of the warehouse have a strong fragrance, and it is necessary to keep the tubs and warehouses clean. The "stirring" in regular gold soy sauce is about 20 times from April to July. In the meantime, the roaring is always changing, such as separating, being close to uniform, or drying the surface. Unlike the outdoor large tank preparation, I think that the wooden tub preparation will be a complex and deep flavored soy sauce because it continues to be complicated. Therefore, when the diversity is weighted and stirred, what timing is stirred, how to be uniform by stirring, and what happens afterwards? It is closer to the target soy sauce by managing the image firmly. [Product name] [Manufacturer or seller] Masako soy sauce Co., Ltd.
1,245 JPY
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Full gold soy sauce

Full gold soy sauce