Meiji chocolate effect 86% large capacity 940g

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: Do you want to introduce / Know? Polyphenol 1 day intake It is said that a snack of about 200 kcal a day is an appropriate amount (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare), so if you want to eat deliciously and healthy, 1 day. Try eating 3 to 5 pieces every day (about 87kcal ~ about 145kcal).・ If you feel bitter or depth when you eat for the first time, it is better to start from about 2 pieces and get used to it little by little.・ The chocolate effect 86%contains 735 mg of cocoa polyphenols with 5 pieces of 147 mg for one piece. * Excessive intake is not recommended raw material/ingredient cocoa masco cocoa powder sugar cocoa butter/emulsifier fragrance (containing some milk formation and soybeans)
2,985 JPY
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