Meiji Elemental Formula Stick Pack 17g x 20 bottles

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: Introduction of "Meiji Elemental Formula" is a milk alternative food for babies with milk allergic babies, which are made of only purified amino acids as amino acids and lipid carbohydrate vitamin minerals. ● In consideration of allergies to protein, only amino acids are used for amino acid sources. ● It does not contain allergens for mouse soybean soybeans. ● "Meiji Elemental Formula" has been approved by the Consumer Affairs Agency as a milk -alignment food -free food -free food. ● 1 Milk amino acids considering allergies to protein. -On raw materials containing allergens for mando eggs and wheat soybeans are not used. ● 2 Refined amino acids are formulated in a well -balanced manner so that infants can get amino acid nutrition without define. ● 3 Biotin Calnitine is newly blended. ● 4 The balance between linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid is adjusted while securing essential fatty acids. ● 5 Lactose or galactose is not included. -Dextrin is used as carbohydrates. ● 6 Vitamin D vitamin K contains vitamins. ● 7 We adjust the balance between minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. ● 8 Taurine is brought closer to the concentration of breast milk.原材料・成分 デキストリン調整食用油脂(サフラワー油シソ油)リジン加工デンプングリセロリン酸Caロイシンプロリンアスパラギン酸Naバリンチロシンスレオニンイソロイシングリシンアラニンアルギニングルタミン酸塩セリンフェニルアラニンヒスチジン塩化K炭酸Kシスチンメチオニン塩化Mgアルギニントリプトファングルタミン酸炭酸Ca Anochtolic citricate v. Na taurine sulfate zinc sincarus sulin sulfate zinc cav.av.dv.b2 Copper sulfate v.b1v.b6 folic acid V.K2 Biotine V.B12 Please be sure to read (exemption). Follow the doctor's instructions when using milk and switching to other milk.
1,431 JPY
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