Meiji Step Easy Cube 1344g (28g x 24 bags x 2 boxes) x 4 pieces [1 to 3 years old follow -up milk] x 192 bags [1 and a half years old]

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: Product introduction ● It is a cube type follow -up milk that can be easily made by anyone anytime, anywhere that has been gently hardened the "Meiji Step". ● Supplies nutrients that are difficult to eat in breast milk and milk meals. ● The rate of iron and calcium is 100%in the Japanese dietary intake standard (2015 version) from 1 to 3 years old. Other recommended amounts and guidelines for other major vitamins and minerals are supported by more than 70%. ● Because it is solid type and does not require a spoon, you can check how many times you put it in, and there is no hassle of slurp. ● It does not spill or jump. ● It is unopened and can be stored for a long time. ● From 1 to 3 years old. * "Meiji Step Easy Cube" is the same nutrient as "Meiji Step (Granules type)", so you can use it together. * Nutritional components do not change even if the cube breaks. * If you have any problems with the product, please contact us below. "Meiji Customer Consultation Center Co., Ltd." Free dial: 0120-358-369 Reception hours: Monday ~ Friday 9: 00 ~ 17: 00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, year-end and New Year holidays) [Nutrition component display (per 100g)]エネルギー 461kcalたんぱく質 13.9g脂質 18.0g炭水化物 61.2g食塩相当量 0.56gナイアシン 6.3mgパントテン酸 4.4mgビオチン 25μgビタミンA 500μgビタミンB1 0.7mgビタミンB2 0.8mgビタミンB6 0.7mgビタミンB12 1.2μgビタミンC 63mgビタミンD 3.6 μgビタミンE 5.5mgビタミンK 19μg葉酸 130μgカリウム 790mgカルシウム 805mg鉄 9.0mgマグネシウム 95mgリン 405mgDHA(ドコサヘキサエン酸)70mgリノール酸 2gα-リノレン酸 0.5gフラクトオリゴ糖 0.5g塩素 520mg灰分 4.1g水分 2.8% 原材料・成分 乳糖Adjustable edible oils (high -olain sunflower oil Canola oil Canola oil soybean squid oil palm oil palm palm palm oil separated fish oil) Butter milk powdered sugar whey powdered milk powdered pour pour cason tin pumpkin concentrated whey powder dumpling oligosaccharide Ca carbonate mg ka carbonate mg mg sulfate mg sulfate mg mg mg sulfate cav.b.b6v6v.b.b.a folic acid v.kv.dv.b12 Use method (1) Cut out the opening door of the bag (1) Put the required amount of cube in a clean and dry container with your finger on the illustration surface. (2) The hot water (about 50 degrees) is ready, and the amount of hot water (about 2/3 of the amount) is used to draw a circle well or stir with a teaspoon. (3) Add hot water or water to the finished amount. (4) Mix well again and it's done. Note (exemption)> Be sure to read ・ Do not store the bag that has been sealed once open.・ Do not put it in a highly humid place or in a summer car in a summery sunlight. Also, do not put it in the refrigerator or freezer.・ If you hold or drop it strongly from the top of the bag, the cube may break. Do not add a strong impact.
6,875 JPY
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