Meijiya Capillano Active Manuka Honey (Inside -Lin -Lin Bottle) MG300+ 250g

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: Product Introduction "Capilano" is the No. 1 Honey brand of Australia, which was born in Brisbane, Queensland in 1953. Manuka honey has been incorporated into his life by Australian resident Aborigini for a long time. Australian Manuka Honey, which contains a tasty taste of caramel with a rich taste, is perfect for everyday use. Regarding the safety of the product: "Capillano Active Manuka Honey MG300+" is commercialized using raw materials that match the standards of the Food Sanitation Law. We look forward to your continued support and patronage. Please be careful (exemption)> Please read it should not be given to infants under one year old who are not resistant. Honey crystallizes white, but there is no problem with quality. Please note that the contents may come out if the shock or pressure is applied from the outside while the cap is closed.
2,042 JPY
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