Mielizia (Mielizia) Italian Acacia Organic Honey (Pure) 250g (100% Organic non -heated)

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: Italian luxury honey brand. Organic 100%raw raw texture is generally liquid and hard to crystallize. Color transparent. It is clearly transparent to show the lack of magic. Elegant and delicate and pleasant floral scent. You can also feel the scent of almonds and vanilla. Mild and delicate and attractive taste. You will want to taste more bite in a sweet and smooth mouth. The lively aftertaste of the sweet almond remains. The honey collection and the time of the Acacia flowering period is around 10 days. During this time, the bee sucks the honey full of flowers from morning till night. The main place of origin is the Acacia forest in Ple -alps in northern Italy, but is also gathered from other areas of the Italian Peninsula. (Piemon Teron Vinebardia Vinet Fliulivinei Ai Jurian Campania Ablezzo Eromeria Lomer Lomer Nyato Scarana) Honey collection is carried out in spring (May). Because it is a tip liquid for use, it is easy to dissolve and is perfect for adding sweetness without changing the taste of drinks such as coffee tea. Boiled fruits and vegetables, desserts and bread ingredients, and fresh fruit salads. It goes well with seasoned ricotta cheese and fresh herbal cheese. The characteristics of the tree are originally from North America. A plant whose growth is quick and has excellent adaptability, regardless of land. However, even though the flowering is unstable, the production of honey itself is quite severe because it is weak to rain. Mielizia is one of the best honey brands in Italy, a beekeeping cooperative in Italy. Its name was born from two combinations of "miele" and "delizia". In other words, the meaning of "delicious honey" is included. All kinds of organic and from Italy. It is also a major feature that producers (beekeepers) and honey collection are clear. MIELIZIA (Mielizia) should not add anything to honey collected from the honey collection, and it is originally compared to the high temperature processed in low -honey honey itself, which processes all processes at a low temperature of 40 ° C. The flavor, fragrance texture and nutritional value you have are maintained. Konapi was founded near Bologna, Italian in the late 70's. It is also known as a honey leading maker in Italy, and is a beekeeping cooperative consisting of about 250 beekeepers who are passionate about high -quality honey making in various parts of Italy. Handling 100%Italian honey. (In 2005, about half of the total production is organic honey, which is equivalent to about 20%of Italian domestic production (the largest manufacturer in organic honey)) ISO9001ISO14001HCCP Management is performed. It is. Organic honey is a condition that the natural flowers blooming in land where pollutants and chemicals are not detected at all are not used as honey and use chemicals and antibiotics on bees. It is possible to receive organic certification only if the above conditions are met and the appropriate facilities can be manufactured (bottled, etc.) based on the EU organic regulations. However, in Japan, honey cannot be attached to an organic JAS logo because honey is not a "designated agricultural and forestry supplier" but is not eligible for organic rules. However, it is possible to sell it as an organic honey.
904 JPY
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