Miyazaki's birthday noodle shop "ring" spicy noodles (Karamen) 2 servings

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Description of Product Name Half Colors Raw Material Name [Men] Flour Flour Duram Powder Salt Salt Salon Scooper Sake [Soup] Chinese Seasoning (Aloral and Plant Oil Livestock Extract Lactor Glasses Pour Others) Pork / Chicken Extract Glass Soup (Salt Lactoric Sugar Chicken Chicken Extra Extract Vegetable Vegetables Extract Others Grain meat (lard dried egg white plant white pork soy sauce Other) Fried garlic (garlic plant oils and oil flour) leek (leek lactose glucose sugar) powdered cellulose seasoning (amino acids, etc.) caramel -colored oxidation agent (vitamin e rose marry extract) (raw material) Chicken soybeans are included in the part of the peppers) [Pepper] 1 pepper content 140g per bag (noodle 80g soup 54g kayaku 5g pulashi 1G) Save method Please avoid direct sunlight and save in a cool dark place. Completely reproduce the taste of the spicy noodles (Karamen) of Miyazaki "Pear Noodle Ring" !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Mochimochi Korean noodles are low calorie ♪ It was not made as a diet ramen, but it was low in calories when pursued deliciousness ... so it is delicious but low calorie ♪ unique to specialty horse spicy soup. Unusual mochimochi Korean noodles with a texture. Raw ingredients and ingredients Lactose chicken chicken chicken extract vegetable extract Other) Sake soy sauce salt sugar seasoning (amino acids) Subscurus increase (kissantangham) sour September falling starch antioxidant (V.E.) (Some of the raw materials include gelatin soybeans) Kayaku] Seasoned (lard dried egg white plant white pork soy sauce Other) Fried garlic (garlic plant oils and oil flour) leek (leek lactose glucose sugar) powdered rice seasoning (amino acids, etc.) caramel pigment -piled oxidation agent (vitamin e rosemary Extract) (including chicken soybeans in a part of the raw material)
540 JPY
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Spicy noodle shop "ring"

Spicy noodle shop "ring"