More Morinaga Vegetables! Yasai Jille 70g x 6 packs (2 types x 3 pieces)

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: Product Introduction [Contents] ・ 2 types (70g x 6 bags) ・ Plenty of green and yellow vegetables and fruits (carrots, tomato peppers, spinach, spinach, apple), 20 kinds of vegetables and fruits (carrots, tomatoes (carrots)・ Peppers ・ Color sweet, lettuce ・ red pepper ・ pumpkin ・ Celery ・ corn ・ Radish ・ parsley ・ ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ・ ・ ば ば ば ば ぶ ぶ ぶ ぶ ぶ ぶ ぶ ぶ】】】】)))))))】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】】 Recommended for! A jelly type that is hard for children to spill. Because it is a pouch container with a straw that is easy to eat in your hand, we support your child's "I want to drink it yourself!" No coloring, fragrances, preservatives, artificial sweeteners are not used! Finished with a natural flavor that makes use of materials. It is perfect for snacks. [Plenty of green and yellow vegetables and bodies] Energy 36kcal protein 0.4g 0.4g carbohydrate 8.5g sodium 22 mg Scrap 0.7g・ Ingredients [Plenty of green and yellow vegetables and bodies] Vegetables (carrot tomato peasons spinach) Fruits (vine rango) fructose sugar sugar raccoon aggregate gel) * allergens: Apple [20 kinds of vegetables and bodies] Vegetable. (Carrot tomato pepper colored sweet litas red pumpkin red pepper pumpkin celery laddish parsericreson cabbage spinach spinach) fruit (grape pine apple orange lemon) fructose glucose saccharides agar gel (increase polysaccharides) sour flavors * allergens Please be careful (exemption)> Please read ● Please give it immediately after opening. ● Adults should open the cap to prevent accidental ingestion. ● Be careful not to injure with the border of the container.
583 JPY
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Morinaga Milk Industry

Morinaga Milk Industry