Morinaga Eco -Raku Pack Pack Hagumi 800g (400g x 2 bags) [Newborn baby 0 months ~ 1 year old powdered milk]

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: A beverage that makes your mood positive with the product introduction "Delicious milk and flavors" and "bright and colorful package". It is a picnic with a clean aftertaste fruit mic type. Please enjoy the exquisite taste of milk and fruit. It is also suitable for drinking with moms and children when you want to take a break or a snack with your child. 200ml that can be stored at room temperature that is just right for drinking, so it is a recommended paper pack for bulk purchases, so it is easy to throw away garbage simple ingredients: sugar mixed fructose sugar sugar saccharides such as fruit dairy products/sour stabilizer (cmc) fragrance sweeten (assesulfam K Scralose) Karoten Pigmentation Raw material / ingredient whey powder (pudding protein) Adjusted fat (palm nucleus palm oil large soybean oil) lactose sugar -powdered milk pumpkin digested dextrin butter milk powder lactose lactose solution (lactulose) Casin gap oligosaccharide raffinose purified fish oil Oil basin digestive food yeast L-carnitine carbonate carbonate calcium lecithin chloride Magnesium vitamin C lactofelin acid sodium phosphoric acid hydrogen hydrogen hydrogenatal chloriniculinicated carcolesterol chlorinic chlorinic acid vitamin vitamin E taurine sulfoline sodium sitrin vitamin d3 sodium sedium bitamine d3 Sodium vitamin amidowlydylate A 5'-hydylate sodium sodium sodium sodium vitamin B6 vitamin B1 folic acid β-carotenvitamine B12
946 JPY
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Morinaga Milk Industry

Morinaga Milk Industry