Morinaga Growth Support Drinks Mill Strawberry Milk Flavor

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: Product introduction ・ To support children up to preschoolers (around 2-6 years old). Let's get bigger!・ Calcium, DHA, iron, and bifidobacteria that are important for growth. No artificial sweeteners synthetic coloring sauce No preservatives.・ If you dissolve it in water, you can mix it with a modest sweetness and mix it with milk. [Each cup per 18g] Heat volume 81kcal protein 1.8 g fat 3.2g carbohydrate 11.74g Fetty fiber 0,54g Salt equivalent 0.11g Vitamin B2 0.16mg Vitamin B2 0.17 mg Vitamin B6 0.18 mg Vitamin B6 0.29 B12 0.29 μgビタミンC 12mgビタミンD 0.9μgビタミンE 1.3mgナイアシン 1.4mgパントテン酸 1.1mg葉酸31μgカルシウム 135mg鉄 1.4mgマグネシウム 16mgリン 59mgラクトフェリン 9mgリノール酸 0.45gα-リノレン酸 0.045gドコサヘキサエン酸(DHA) 10mgラクチュロース 90mgガラクトオリゴSugar 90mg Lutein 18 μg of bifidobacterium 500 million raw ingredients and components Lactoric sugar tummy fat protein Typen hot sugar yogurt three -heated sugar yogurt powder casin -digested dumpling lingigaccoson liquid lakuturose purified fish cazin digital raccoon bifidoscaline/carbonate Mg krentinated mg kryxide mg chloride chloride (derived from soybeans) caV.B6v.b6v.ab.b2v.b1 Folic acid pigment v.dv. B12 Attention (exemption)> Please be sure to read (exemption)> Be sure to read or cancel when sold out in stock. Please note that the expected date of Amazon delivery and our product delivery date may differ. Products may change the package without notice. * Returns for customer reasons cannot be accepted.
271 JPY
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Morinaga Milk Industry

Morinaga Milk Industry