Morinaga Morina satisfied rice! Meat / fish menu 4 meal set (12 months) [100%domestic vegetables]

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: Product introduction [Contents] 4 kinds 1 bag (120g x 4 bags) 1 colored vegetable pork soda rice 2 Shirasu and bean beans plum rice 3 taro and burdock rhododends 4 shrimp and broccoli tomat resort [ How to use] You can enjoy it as it is cooked. Put the bag in the hot water that has been boiled and stopped the fire without cutting off the bag, insert a hole in the bag for 30 to 60 seconds, and take it out. Move it to a bowl, stir lightly, and then enjoy it. * Please do not warm it over the heat. When warming in a microwave: transfer the contents to a microwave -compatible container and wrap it in a wrap. The approximate heat time is about 30 seconds (500W). * Please note that the content that has become hot may spread when you wrap it. * Do not boil the bag in hot water. Be sure to transfer the contents to a microwave oven -compatible bowl and wrap it about 30 seconds (500W). * Please note that the content that has become hot may spread when you wrap it. Raw ingredients and ingredients Positive white rice (domestic) vegetables (Chinese cabbage carrot) Pumpkin pure pure pure pure pork corn starch soy sauce soy sauce soy sauce Sugar sacrifice pyroline iron (some of the raw materials contain wheat in a part of the raw material) Holding plum rice> Public white rice (domestic) vegetable (carrot broccoli) Soy corn starch shirashu plum meat sugar Milk cartyum salt bonito salt kelp extract soy sauce soy sauce yeast iron iron iron (containing wheat in a part of raw materials) > Vegetables (carrot onion broccoli) White rice (domestic) tomato pure recever starch shrimp milk carty mine salted chicken extract iron yeast iron iron and burdock squirrel squirrel> ventilation (domestic) vegetable Soy sauce Milk Cycal Sesame Oil Pylolinate (contains wheat in part of the raw material)
346 JPY
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Morinaga Milk Industry

Morinaga Milk Industry