Mos Burger Potato (Teriyaki Burger flavor) 50g x 3 bags snack house drinking snack potato snack point digestive emergency food preservation

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: The taste of Teriyaki Burger, which originated in Mos Burger, is reproduced with potato sticks! It is a potato stick with a flavored teriyaki burger that does not collect the sourness of rich teriyaki sources and mayonnaise. The deep flavor of Mos Burger's secret is a secret taste of the teriyaki burger, which matches the sourness of the secretary of the secretary and mayonnaise. Raw ingredients and ingredients potatoes (not genetically modified) vegetable oil Teriyaki burger seasoning mayonney sowing powdered powdered powdered white miso / seasoning (amino acids, etc.) starch sour fragrance fragrance Fine silicon dioxide sweeten (scrala stewy) Calamel pigment (partially flour and eggs).・ Milk ingredients and soybeans (including soybeans) Safety warning This factory manufactures products that include soba peanuts.
378 JPY
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Nature House

Nature House