Mother's Day Gift Completely Heated White Honey Honey 170g White Honey TSUKUMOZA Kyrgyzstan S -Pal Set Honey Honey

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: TSUKUMOZA ESPARCETTE HONEY is a completely non -heated natural student. This honey, which is as close as possible to wild honey, is transported using a refrigerated container. This is to keep the enzyme from exceeding 46 ° C. Therefore, it is completely non -heated. The Espal Set of the honey source is nurtured by organic pesticides, and the Governor of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan publishes a document that the cultivation of Espal Set is organic pesticide -free. As a way to eat, you can replenish enough nutrition by licking a cup of teaspoon every morning, so please try it because it will increase the sweetness and luster by mixing a little when cooking white rice. It is also very recommended for nutritional supplementation before and after sports and exercise.
1,620 JPY
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