Nagatanien garlic fried rice 26.1g x 10 pieces

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Product introduction "Nagatanien garlic fried rice" is a powdered fried rice that does not require any ingredients that can be easily made by preparing eggs and rice and frying in a frying pan for about 3 minutes. Finished in a full -fledged taste that makes you feel the texture of garlic and garlic chips with a good appetite. Energy per bagEnergy 26kcal protein 1.3 g lipids 0.4g Carbohydrate equivalent 2.4g (Salt dented powdered grip -grained pepper powder powder soy sauce (including wheat) vegetable oil onion powder pepper) Roast Garlic pork flakes (rice flour defined soy sauce soy sugar salt vegetable oils) drying onions/seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Calamel pigmented oxidation agent (vitamin e vitamin C) citric acid.
540 JPY
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