Nagatanien Tomica Sprinkle 60 meals

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Product introduction This is a nice sprinkle with calcium that is nice for children who are grown up with an assorted assortment type with four kinds of rakuka, salmon, egg, and yasai. Tomica printed on the front and back of the small bag can enjoy all 40 models with different patterns on the front and back. Even if you put it on a table, it is perfect for your child's lunch. With three cool Tomica stickers (12 types in total). Raw ingredients/ingredients OkakaSeasoned granules (maltose flour sugar sugar sashimi flour (including soybeans) bonito extracts Matcha dextrin extract plant oils) sesame flakes (flour flour and salted sugar vegetable oils) Seasoned bonito nori/seasoning (amino acid seasoning Shellced Calcium Calamel Park Carotinoid Pigmented Prevents (Vitamin E) September RipperSeasoning Granules (Lactic Sugar Mugi Sugar Sugar Sugar Salon Powder Matcha Dekrand Salmon Extract Rye Extract Gripe Voter Files) Sesame Flakes Seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Calcium carotinoid pigmented reddish oxidize agent (vitamin E) eggSeasoning granules (maltose flour flour sugar sugar sugar bonito flour pour flour oil soy sauce (including soybeans) bonito bonito extract) Seasoned bonito sesame. Egg soiboro seaweed flakes (flour powdered salted sugar plant oils and fats)/shellfish culcium seasoning (amino acids, etc.) carotinoid pigmented caramel -pork oxidants (vitamin E) Sour flavors (vitamin E) Seasoned granules (Maltose flour sugar sugar sugar sugar bonus bonus bonito dumpling flour) (Includes) bonito extract vegetable oils and oils extract) Flake (flour doodle flour salt and sugar plant oils pumpkin pumpkin ginseng) sesame seasoned bonito paddy nori/shellfish culcium seasoning (amino acids, etc.) caramel pigment pair carotinoid pigmentic oxidogen (Vitamin E ) Red koji pigmented acids
541 JPY
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