Nagoya Cochin Rice 200g

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Contents 200g ■ Expiration date 365 days from the date of manufacture 365 days発酵調味料胡麻アミノ酸液砂糖生姜食酢胡麻油唐辛子蜂蜜にんにく寒天調味料(アミノ酸等)増粘多糖類酸味料甘味料(ステビア)酸化防止剤(V.C)着色料(カラメルカロテノイド銅葉緑素)(原材料の一部This product manufacturing plant manufactures products using eggs, wheat, milk, buckwheat, crab, and shrimp. Raw ingredients, ingredients, green onion apple juice, granular soybeans (Nagoya cochin) granular soy protein onions onions (Nagoya cochin) Fermented sour sesame amino acidic ginger ginger ginger ginger ginger ginger ginger bun honey rice cave (amino acids) hydraulic flavors (stevia) ) Prevention agent (V.C) Coloring (caramel calotenoid copper leaf greenery) (including wheat in part of the raw material)
640 JPY
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Nagotoya Co., Ltd.

Nagotoya Co., Ltd.