Natural additive -free bonito kelp is 7g x 10 bags Pack Katsukonbu soup Domestic ingredient natural material 100 % dashi miso soup Japanese style dashi chemical seasoning No additive

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We crushed Hokkaido kelp in Kagoshima prefecture bonito and bags in a tea back type. You can enjoy the elegant fragrance with a high quality and clearness unique to the Hon -off. In a boiled pot of about 500 cc of about 500 cc, put a "dashi pack" in one bag, boil for about 3-5 minutes, and then remove the bag. Be careful not to damage the bag when taking out. You can easily get 3-4 "Odashi" in a bowl in one bag. Please use it for various purposes such as daily miso soup soup boiled pots soba and udon soup. Raw material, ingredient bonito (from Kagoshima Prefecture) Kelp (Hokkaido)
216 JPY
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Satsumaya Co., Ltd.

Satsumaya Co., Ltd.