Nitto Brewery Nitto soba soup 400ml

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: Shodoshima, a soy sauce made from Aichi Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, and "Asuke Mikawa Shirotari", "Authentic Mirin", and "Burglow" made from Aichi Prefecture's traditional sea salt "Sea spirit". Izakurazaki Muroji -ni, a soft -flavored mackerel node with a deep flavor with a deep -flavored "Kaashi", which is aged for three days and three nights and laid down for three days and three nights. We combined the flavorful "dashi" that was blended and boiled in the company. It is a full -fledged soba soup that boasts a powerful soy sauce flavor with the flavor of the pandema and a solid feeling. A tube -type heat exchanger that does not touch the air just before the bottling is filled without impairing the flavor of the soup stock by filling the heat -sterilized high temperature.
298 JPY
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Nitto brewing

Nitto brewing