Okinawa souvenirs -Okinawa prefecture island -producing chili pepper Okinawa Rare oil 120g

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Okinawa Rare Oil used in Okinawa Prefecture Use Okinawa Prefecture Use of Ninnik Use Okinawa Prefecture Bonito Okinawa Prefecture Okinawa Prefecture Use Okinawa Prefecture Autumn Turmeric Use Okinawa Prefecture Spring Turmeric Uses Okinawa Prefecture Nin Nik used very painful and unique It is a sweet and rich oil in the spiciness that focuses on the ingredients from Okinawa Prefecture, such as Okinawan prefecture pepper, and other prefectural and domestic ingredients. It is a product that can be used for various purposes. >> How to use << You can use noodle dishes such as somen or udon, mix it with dressing, etc. to accent it to various dishes.
513 JPY
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