Organic Dry Brown Rice Koji 500g 2 pieces of Osawa Japan

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Dry Koji using organic brown rice. The scent and richness of brown rice Koji add more deliciousness with dishes and handmade miso ・ A flavor like raw koji ・ Approximately 1.5 kg in one bag. Brown rice miso Organic brown rice (Shimane / Hokkaido) Kojiki raw ingredients and ingredients Organic dried brown rice 500g x 2 are raw materials Organic brown rice (Shimane / Shiga / Hokkaido) How to use koji molds Organic dried brown rice koji 500g × Two are dried koji using organic brown rice. The fragrance and richness unique to brown rice koji add even more deliciousness with dishes and handmade miso. Organic dried brown rice kojiki Koji used brown rice is a dry koji that uses the fragrance unique to brown rice koji and rich brown rice miso, amazake, and salted kojiki. The fragrance and richness unique to brown rice koji add even more deliciousness with dishes and handmade miso. Features ■ Flavor like raw koji ■ Raw material that can produce about 1.5 kg of brown rice miso in one bag Organic brown rice (Shimane / Hokkaido) Kojiki
1,495 JPY
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Osawa Japan

Osawa Japan