Osawa Organic Interior Sauce

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: Product Introduction This is an original medium source with a tightly condensed vegetable and fruit flavor. We use organic vegetables and fruits and do not use chemical seasonings or sugar. The umami, sweetness and sourness are finished in a well -balanced manner. Please use it for various dishes such as fried food okonomiyaki soba and raw vegetables. Raw ingredients and ingredients Organic dense sauce 250mlm is organic vegetables, fruits (apple carrot tomatoes and other) Organic brewed vinegar (apple vinegar rice vinegar) Salt (heavenly salt) organic soy sauce Organic konjac powdered flavored moisture fleme method How to use it is an organic medium thick source 250ml is ■ Organic vegetables and fruit use ■ 100 % plant ingredients ■ No chemical seasonings ■ Pay attention to fried vegetables (exemption)> Please read it after opening and save it in the refrigerator and use it as soon as possible. Please be careful when handling because the bottle is cracked. Please be careful not to cut your hand when opening. The color may differ depending on the growth status and time of the raw material.
360 JPY
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Osawa Japan

Osawa Japan