Otsuka Food Crystal Geiser 310ml x 24 [Regular imports]

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: Crystal Geiser is a mineral water born in California. It is an easy -to -drink soft water that matches the taste of Japanese people that keeps fresh and purity (hardness 38mg/l). Sacred Peak Mount Casta in northern California, USA. The rain and snow that have been poured into the chasta will be filtered naturally through multiple rock floors. Shasta's blessings, which keep the cold of 10 C or less even in the natural state of the year, are bottled on the spot and are being sent out to the world. We use bottles (50%recycled PET bottles) that takes into account the Crystal Geiser environment. 50%recycling plastic bottles that use a 50%recycling ingredient are expected to reduce CO2 emissions per bottle by about 30%compared to general 100%petroleum -derived plastic bottles. In addition, the weight of the Crystal Geor 500ml of the plastic bottle container is 11.5g and keeps strength. Lightening PET bottles will reduce CO2 in the manufacturing and transportation of the raw materials and transportation.
940 JPY
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Otsuka Foods

Otsuka Foods