Port dining -to -go to craftsman's local fish chazuke 5 kinds (Zawaiai crab salmon red sea bream mackerel boiled 鰆) ochazuke ochazuke 茶 茶 素 素 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海 海

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Approximately 100 years of its founding, Ochazuke Takumi's local fish chazuke “5 pieces set” “Takumi no Michio Fish Chazuke / Pole” has five kinds of contents, mainly fish in Fukui Prefecture. I am. It can be used not only for ochazuke but also as a cooked rice ingredient, so please enjoy the flavor, texture and flavor of each material.・ Extremely crab ・ Goku Fukui salmon ・ Goku Fukui red sea bream ・ Goku Fukui Sawara ・ Gokui conger
1,840 JPY
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Let's do a port dining

Let's do a port dining