Ramen Keika Ramen Black Ma Oil Pork Bone Ramen 2 Food Namen Noodle Order Kumamoto Ramen Local Ramen

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This is "Ma oil -originated store Keika Ramen" born in Kumamoto and raised in Kumamoto. Founded in 1955 Please enjoy the traditional taste of Kumamoto! Raw ingredients/ingredients/ingredients/flour flour salt/liquor Sorbit kansui pH adjustment agent firing CA (including wheat) Soup/glass soup dextrin salt Seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Calamel pigments (including chicken, wheat, soybeans, and pork) Special Ma Oil/Ladded Annoted Animal oil onions Shipped Eood Eyes and Food Refined Oyashu (Vitamin E) (Vitamin E)
500 JPY
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Keika Ramen

Keika Ramen