Hasegawa is said to be one of Kitakata ramen Shitenno, and is one of the most popular and popularity of Kitakata ramen, and believes that the potential demand as a souvenir is extremely high. It will be. General Kitakata ramen is based on pork bone chicken and boiled dried pork, but this restaurant is characterized by a simple bass soup that combines boiled chicken and dried chicken. The taste and color of soy sauce are also reproduced with the flavor of boiled noodles and soup. The raw ingredients and ingredients raw ingredients (flour flour flour flour flour protein redemption flemen syrup / processed starch kansui (including wheat)) Attached seasoning (soy sauce chicken extract (boiled soy sauce chicken extract flavored oil onion oil boiled soy sauce Other) kelp extract saline reduction syrup pork extract sugar yeast extract / liquor seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Increased agent (processed starch) caramel (partially wheat soybeans) Including chicken pork gelatin)