Rokabo Sanana Sanaka that does not give with oil under 10g of carbohydrates

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: Product Introduction Aqua Pazza flavored non -fried snack that has not been given with oils less than 10g of sugar. It contains 7 packs of individual wrapping, making it a snack with a rockabo mark suitable for carbohydrate -restricted food. The expiration date is 365 days, and it is a long -life snack that lasts a day. Using okara and wheat bran to suppress carbohydrates, it is finished in a crispy snack. Since the tuna is blended, EPA / DHA can be taken and CA can be taken. Raw ingredients / ingredients (domestic manufacturing) Shortening tuna powder wheat bran from wheat bran from powdered sugar vegetable oil aqua paza flavor seasoning (sugar salt garlic powder poded water solution tomato flavored powder -flavored powder Asari extract powder bream extracted poddy bream organo powder) plant -based white flour oil ( DHA / EPA -purified fish oil malto dextrin processed oils) Salt / processed starch emulsifier seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Egg shell CA Vitamin B1 Penusic flavored fragrance perforated pigment carotinoid pigment (containing some eggs, milk, wheat, soybeans, and pork. )
2,412 JPY
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