Roker Kwadradini Matcha 110g x 3 pieces

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This is a wafer of the patisserie "LOACKER" of Bolzano, Italy. Wafer, which uses natural materials based on its own recipes, is currently boasting a track record of the world's top share and is loved by more than 100 countries. Only the matcha powder made by carefully steaming and dried Japanese tea leaves. Matcha cream has a bright green and sophisticated taste of matcha without using synthetic coloring. Raw ingredients and ingredients, flour coconut oil glucose, glucose, sugar, glucose powdered milk powdered, grape, grape, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar saline, pour core core core core nut powder nut spices, and inflated aggregates (containing some wheat and milk components)
975 JPY
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Ito Tadada Corporation

Ito Tadada Corporation