Ryukakusakusu Ryukakusakuso no Doki Candy 120max Stick 10 tablets x 10 bottles

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Product introduction In response to the voices of customers who want to make the throat more refreshing, more than 20%increase in Ryukaku -scattered herbal powder (our Ryukaku scattered candy ratio) Royal jelly and propolis, which contain ingredients and are good for the body, are also included. The refreshing and dragon angular scent is made into a mild herb and mild milk flavor by making the creamy powder and margarine layer into a marble so that it does not become stronger. It is a throat candy that is gentle on the body and has a good mouthfeel. It is a stick type that is convenient for mobile phones and carrying to accompany your bag to your home. Raw ingredients and ingredients raw ingredientsSugar syrup creaming powder Color and fat herbal powdered powdered milk powdered milk powdered milk powdered mady propolis extracted herbal jelly extract fragrant coloring (caramel leaves green green) emulsified sour agent
512 JPY
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Dragon horn

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