Sake lees that eats Shukodotan

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Delicious without complaint of the product! Sake lees to eat Shukodon! Ideal for rice and of course for alcoholic snacks. The brewery's comment "I understand the surprising health effect of sake lees, but it is troublesome to eat ..." Product development began with such an idea. Speaking of Tosa, bonito is famous, but adding Soda bonito (soda gatsuno), which has more umami ingredients than such bonito, and adds Soda -bushi, which is characterized by its high scent when taking it in the soup, adds to the accent. By adding yuzu pepper, the bodies and sake lees to be eaten were born. By the way, Soda -bushi, which uses Soda bonito, is an indispensable raw material for brothes from buckwheat shops and udon shops nationwide, and accounts for 70-80 % of its domestic market share. Both Soda bonito and Soda -bushi of "Shibotan / Eating Sake lees" are Tosamizu. By using such Soda bonito and Soda -bushi, the rich umami is added to the sake lees, the taste is doubled, and the unique fermented odor is hardly felt while using plenty of sake lees. It will be. In addition, since it is cooked, it does not include alcohol content, so children can enjoy it with confidence. Note (exemption)> Please be sure to read this product will be delivered by cool flight (usually shipping cost +220 yen).
303 JPY
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