SARAYA Saraya Lakant Low -sugar Suite Almond (10g x 10 bags) x 10 pieces

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: Almond type appears from the popular "Low -sugar Suite Nuts"! "Healthy but addictive deliciousness" "Low -carbohydrate sweet almonds" that use only almonds rich in dietary fiber and vitamin E from "low -sugar suite nuts"! Almonds have a sweetness of the natural sweeten "Lacanto Suite Powder" derived from 100%plant -based calories and sugars, and realizes "sweet and low sugar". The flavor of the butter with a fragrant butter at the end of the sweetness of the almonds and the gentle sweetness of Lacant is a delicious taste. In addition, it is also packaging to prevent overeating. Perfect for snacks and snacks for those who care about health and carbohydrates.
2,230 JPY
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