Sea spirit red label 240g

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Product Introduction In the national park of Izu Oshima, only the fresh seawater carried by the Kuroshio is used as a raw material using the power of the sun, wind and fire using traditional Japanese traditional sea salt created while inheriting the traditional Japanese salt method. There is. Not only is it salty, but also has a subtle sweetness, flavor and richness, and it creates a mellow taste when used for cooking and food processing. Raw materials/ingredients Seawater attention (exemption)> Please be sure to read [Response to Bio Marche's residual radioactive material] Bio Marche will use 1/5 of the residual radioactive cesium specified by the country. Operation has started on April 1st. All information about the response to residual radioactive substances is published on the website. ■ Response to residual radioactive substances ( ■ Please check here for the test results. (Http://
295 JPY
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Sea spirit

Sea spirit