Shinto pork ramen 2 meals thick god pig Oita Marushige Jiro Jiro -based ramen ramen ramen ramen tonkotsu ramen order order raw noodle pork bone soup noodles char siu

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Increased quality improvement and cooking time. Let me raise the price a little only for two meals. Have you ever eaten a really delicious Jiro system? Because it is frozen at the store, this is the rich flavored tonkotsu ramen! A rich rich tonkotsu soup made by cooking a large amount of pork bones with high heat power. A hot pig that is so soft enough to be cut with thick chopsticks. 100%domestic wheat noodles are entangled in the soup. The best cup has been completed. Frozen ...
1,490 JPY
In stock


Smilework Co., Ltd.

Smilework Co., Ltd.