Snow Brand Bean Stark Bean Stark Healthy M1 800g x 2 pieces

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: Product introduction (1) Powdered milk that makes use of the latest research results from the "3rd National Breastfeeding Survey" started in 2015. "Osteo ponchin" is included in the amount of Japanese breast milk. (2) Contains ingredients that are the power to protect breast milk. You can eat "Sialic acid", "Breastfeeding oligosaccharide (Galacto Sillactose)", "Revo nucleic acid", "nucleotide", and "Sphin garbage". (3) Contains important ingredients for the development of babies contained in breast milk. You can get "DHA", "Taurine", "Carnitine" and "Calcium". ● Contains "Calcium", which tends to be insufficient for baby food, which is difficult to eat with milk. ● You can take the power of breast milk "Sialic acid" and "oligosaccharide (galacto siliculactory)". Raw ingredients, ingredients, whey powder vegetable oils (palm nucleus soy soybuts oil cranola oil) lactose-sugar-suvant milk powdered milk powdered milk pouring buns bold protein concentrated protein concentrated protein concentrated whey powder purified fish oil revolving nucleic acid (RNA) L-carnitin yeast/chloride k chloride. CAV.c phosphate CAV.c sulfate mg carbonate mg kenken acid iron sin sulfate Na sin sulfate zinc v. zinc V.E niacylicin pantotenate Copper Naav.b65'-AMP Guanilate Nav.b5 Innocinic acid. Na folic acid carote
2,241 JPY
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Snow Brand Bean Stark

Snow Brand Bean Stark