Snow Brand Megumilk Pia 820g

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: Product Introduction Achieves childcare support price that is easy to purchase by suppressing advertising in the medical institution. The best nutrition for babies is breast milk. The prepared milk powder "Snow Brand" Pia "" is a breast milk alternative when breast milk is insufficient or breastfeeding is not given. The tonal concentration is 13%close to breast milk and does not burden the baby. Because it is finished with a flavor that melts quickly and is not too sweet, you can use it with confidence in mixed nutrition. A new combination of the material "Colin" of the power of the power of "Sialic acid", which protects breast milk. The DHA is adjusted to the amount of breast milk and the ratio of linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid is approached to breast milk. It contains galact oligosaccharides contained in important breast milk in infant. Raw material, ingredients, whey powder (Dutch or France manufacturing) vegetable oil (palm nucleus soy soy oil palm oil canora oil) lactose -sugar -sugar -sugar -powdered milk powdered milk powdered milk protein protein concentrated protein concentrated heavy powder purified fish oil yeast/chloride chloride. CaV.c carbonate mg carbonate mg carbonate mg k citricated iron carbonate Naocytaurus sincate zing sedylate NAV.E Nias sympantotenate Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Nav.b6 Inosillic acid NAV.B1 Guanilate NAV.B1 Na. Calotenbiotin folic acid v.dv.kv.b12 (including milk production and soybeans)
863 JPY
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