Sogen Chemical Seasoning, no Conservatives No additive, Furukake 45

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Product Introduction "Sogensha Chemical Seasoning, Saving Furial Furial Fureau 45" is a sprinkle using 45 kinds of raw materials so that 6 types of basic foods can be eaten in a well -balanced manner. It is rich in calcium iron fiber. Please enjoy with your family. No coloring chemical seasoning agent synthetic preservatives are not added. Delicious and bonito flavor. Precautions After opening, close the bag chuck, keep it in a cool place, and enjoy it as soon as possible. How to save direct sunlight should be stored at room temperature, avoiding high -temperature and humidity. Raw ingredients, ingredients Souken Shakosha 45 (32g) Raw materialwheat germ white roasted sesame soy sauce brown rice brown sesame black sesame sesame seeds salted sesame sesame sesame squirrel powdered pour squirrel powdered kettle pulver酵母卵黄黒米赤米キヌアアマランサスいわし粉末鰹節エキス玉ねぎひじき人参キャベツねぎセロリピーマンにんにくしょうがわかめみりんかぼちゃ粉末サンゴカルシウムいりこ粉末ぶどうプルーン昆布粉末 使用方法 創健社 ふりかけ45(32g)は栄養素をバランス良く摂れるように45 We blend the kind of material. Plenty of calcium iron dietary fiber.
115 JPY
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